The Creating Career Bytes Toolkit takes you step-by-step through a Career Bytes project--student produced short video interviews with professionals that showcase how they reached their career goals. Career Bytes projects encourage the kids who create and view the videos to explore technology-related careers and provide engaging video interview and video technology experience.
Discover How to Use Career Bytes with Your Students, then view the Career Bytes Step-by-step Overview. To get your project going, explore our video resource section that shows the why's and hows of Career Bytes (in student-produced videos) and offers a link to all Career Bytes videos; map your Career Bytes success using the blueprint guides for creating Career Bytes; and use the practical tools organized by production stage. See our Career Bytes Site Map for an index to all of our resources.
Career Bytes -- Career Exploration
Getting Started
Blueprint Guides for Career Bytes
Tools by Production Stage
Making Career Bytes
How to Create Career Bytes
Why Pre-production?