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PowerPoint Presentations

​​A Measuring Adventure

African Country Study and PowerPoint Presentation Creation

All About Me Digital Portfolio

All ABout Our Town Using Brochure Creaton to Teach Nonfiction

Ancient Observatories Timeless Knowledge

Architecture and Math

Attract or Repel

Bluefish Family Digital Eats

Brochure Creation to Teach NonFiction

Building Arrays Using Excel Spreadsheets

Children of WWII

Cloud Identification

Connecting with Communication Technology

Create a Slideshow to Depict Ancient Roman Impact on Life

Creating a PowerPoint Presentation on a Country in Europe

Creating a Story Quilt

Creating Weather Journals

Cyber Bullies

Cyber Safety Basics - How's Your Cy-Q

Discovering Communities through Olympic Torch Relay

Drives Education

Earth, Moon, and Sun Systems Astronomers

Egypt Did You Know

European Influences on North America

Exploring Blackbeard

Famous Volcanoes

Exploring Quadratic Equations

Exploring South America

Exploring the Southeast Region of the Unted States

Figuring Out a Friend

Galactic Vacation

Geometry Quadrilaterals

Good Citizens

Graphing Population Studies

Heroes and Their Characteristics - Past and Present

History of Communications

How Do Plants Grow

International Organizations

Intro to Math Modeling

Inventors - A Multimedia Presentation

Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 1

Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 2

Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 3

Money, Money

Paralell and Perpendicular Lines

Past and Present Communities

Publishing Stories

Real World Graphing

Sampling Distribution of Sample Means

Six Foot Walk-in Cell Project

Tasty Adjectives

Teach Your Friends Polynomials

The Dark Side of the Net

The Electric Guitar Then and Now

There's a Fossil in My Kitchen

We Love America

World Disasters








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