Grades K - 4
A Measuring Adventure​​​​​
All About Our Town Using Brochure Creation to Teach Nonfiction
Brochure Creation to Teach NonFiction
Building Arrays Using Excel Spreadsheets
Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment​
Discovering Communities through Olympic Torch Relay
Earth, Moon and Sun Systems Astronomers​
European Influences on North America
Exploring the Southeast Region of the United States​
First Grade Foray into Animal Features and Needs​
From the Mouths of Space Scientists
Guess Who is Coming for Dinner​
Heroes and Their Characteristics - Past and Present
How do Human Interactions Affect the Natural Environment​
Introductionto Photojournalism​
Inventors - A Multimedia Presentation
Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 1
Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 2
Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 3
Learning About Population Information Where I Live
The Effects of Weather on People