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Discovering the Internet

A Measuring Adventure​

​"A Generation That Cares?" The Environment and You

A Pixie Report

Adventures in Africa

African Country Study and PowerPoint Presentation Creation

All About Our Town Using Brochure Creaton to Teach Nonfiction

Ancient Observatories Timeless Knowledge

Animal Habitats WebQuest

Brochure Creation to Teach NonFiction

Butterfly Life Cycles

Children of WWII

Cloud Identification

Coming to America

Connecting with Communication Technology

Create a Slideshow to Depict Ancient Roman Impact on Life

Creating a PowerPoint Presentation on a Country in Europe

Creating a Story Quilt

Declaring Freedom

​Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment

Discovering Communities through Olympic Torch Relay

​Egypt Did You Know

Elect Me - Creating a Campaign Platform

Exploring Blackbeard

Exploring the Southeast Region of the United States

Family Genealogy Quest

​Famous Virginia Historical Figures

Famous Virginians

First Amendment Freedoms

First Grade Foray into Animal Features and Needs

Forced Imprisonment WWII

From the Mouths of Space Scientists

Galactic Vacation

Geometry Quadrilaterals

Good Citizens

Graphing Population Studies

Guess Who is Coming for Dinner

Heroes and Their Characteristics - Past and Present

History of Communications

How do Human Interactions Affect the Natural Environment

How Does the Weather Change

Industrial Revolution History

International Organizations

Intro to Math Modeling

Inventors - A Multimedia Presentation

Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 1

Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 2

Learning About Animal Shelters for Earth Day - Week 3

Learning About Population Information Where I Live

Measuring Animal Sizes

On This Day in History

Paralell and Perpendicular Lines

Past and Present Communities

Publishing Stories

Random Album Covers

Real World Graphing

Signs of the Seasons

Tasty Adjectives

The Electric Guitar Then and Now

There's a Fossil in My Kitchen

Types of Chemical Reactions

World Disasters

Your Senses and Driving




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